NGO Coalition could be defined as a category of CSOs working on various thematic groups, assembled together in a coordinated way as members of an identified structured coalition formally or informally on the basis of a common purpose and seeking changes to government policies and practices or to national/international laws.
By building new links among actors in civil societies, states and national and international organizations/ civil society coalitions multiply the opportunities for dialogue and exchange. In issue areas such as the environment and human rights, they also make international resources available to new actors in domestic political and social struggles. By blurring the boundaries between a state’s relations with its own nationals and the recourse both citizens and states have to the international system, advocacy networks are helping to transform the practice of national sovereignty1.
Transnational advocacy networks in international and regional politics, Margaret E. Keck, Kathryn Sikkink, International Social Science Journal, Volume 51, Issue 159, pages 89–101, March 1999
In other words, these coalitions serve as key connectors to government and businesses and help to create a strong enabling environment for civil society organizations, democracy, and the rights of citizen action and participation. They also provide a range of services to civil society organizations to help them be more effective, identify the financial and human resources they need to carry out their work and promote their capacity to work together2.
The civil society coalitions tend to have the following characteristics:
A Membership
The basic characteristic of all global civil society coalitions is the membership:
A Common Call for Change
Global civil society coalitions come together in order to change practice, policy, and sometimes laws at the global level:
A Leadership
2 AGNA membership guidelines
Many coalitions have in place a leadership to guide the policy and planning of the coalition and help facilitate the activities of the membership
A Common Plan to Achieve Change
There is often a general plan of action to achieve the global change that the coalition seeks.
A Collective Identity
Coalitions often promote a collective identity for themselves.
Working in coalitions also provides a coordinated way for NGOs to forge and maintain strategic partnerships with external actors. It is easier for a government to relate to a coalition as a single partner that represents the range of civil society actors on an issue than to work out whom to interact with from among a host of organizations.
However, coalitions also impose costs and constraints on member organizations. A key trade-off when working in a coalition is between the gains in effectiveness (stronger voice and a wider reach) on the one hand and the amount of time and resources spent in making a coalition work on the other. Coalitions have been described as a ‘necessary bureaucracy’ and every coalition an NGO joins brings with it another set of communications, another email list, and another set of conference calls and meetings.
Governments and international organizations such as the UN sometimes see significant benefits in having NGOs organizing themselves into coalitions. For example, the ECOSOC Statute for Non-Governmental Organisations states that: “Where there exist a number of organizations with similar objectives, interests and basic viewers in a given field, they may, for the purposes of consultation with the Council, form a joint committee or other body authorized to carry on such consultation for the group as a whole.”
ECOSOC Resolution 1996/31, 25 July 1996.
citizen action and civil society throughout the world so that there is a worldwide community of informed, inspired, committed citizens engaged in confronting the challenges facing humanity. Its work is guided by the same principles and values as CIVICUS.
AGNA brings together national associations and regional platforms from around the world to foster greater cooperation across national and regional boundaries, increase their ability to collaborate on areas of mutual interest, and respond to the unique needs and challenges they face.
It aims to:
It's very important to think and discuss with like-minded people and groups before starting a new CSO coalition. This also depends on the urgency of the issues, common agenda for the united action that needs to be advocated or linked to other regional and global platforms and institutions, and also has the ability to connect with governments and intergovernmental organizations like the UN.
This also explains the need to build a coalition. The coalition should not be made, just because a set of like-minded people want to establish a new network. This will have its own sustainability issues once the ideas and logic of building the coalition fizzle out.
‘NGO Federation of Nepal is an umbrella organization of NGOs working in various fields of social welfare and development. Established in 1991 for the promotion and protection of social justice, human rights, and pro-poor development, NFN has evolved as a national organization working for the entire NGO movement in Nepal. It is actively working to unite, organize, and mobilise civil society to create a peaceful, democratic, and just Nepal. NFN is a democratic organization run by a team of NGO professionals who volunteer their services to achieve the vision of NFN’3.
At the regional level, ADA was formed
‘ADA was established as a regional coalition in February 2013, after a group of like-minded people from various countries of Asia and the globe thought of a need to fill the gap in terms of capacity-building, awareness-building and coordination as well as an interface between global and national NPs in the engagement in the post- 2015 development agenda process’4.
There are other challenges in being part of a coalition: Fear of dilution of the identity of an individual organization and hence there is a need to agree on clear messages and collective position. To overcome this, it’s important to see, who is doing what, and their potential expertise so that there is clear visibility of individual organizations devoid of risking their own identity, at the same time contributing vigorously to the CSO coalition.
Another important point of caution is to refrain to be part of every coalition that exists in the sphere!! This will add to diluting the mission and vision of the individual organizations. There are cases when one finds the same set of people in most of the coalition.
Another challenge that a coalition faces is the dominance of certain groups/people who would axe the visibility of newcomers, and hence, it is all the more important for the founding members, to keep rotating the governing board of the coalition after a certain period in the most democratic ways to avoid the clashes of titans!!
Some suggested parameters:
It’s also important to make sure that everybody’s voice is heard and no participating organization shall feel left. Hence, it's important to engage in effective communication within and outside the membership organization. The mode of communication plays an important role, especially with the invent of various social media platforms.
However, the shell of similar emails from various coalitions causes bewilderment, and hence, it's important to be crisp in the subject line while addressing the email content.
Apart from this, regular conference calls, newsletters, website creation/updation are an important part of the communication part from face to face (F4F) meetings.
While setting up the CSO platform, there is a need to set a clear objective, mission, and vision of the coalition that reflects the agenda of the partners/members.
The vision and mission statement of the coalition will only add to the clarity
As discussed earlier, communication is an important part and hence clear and set agenda, regular meetings (web or face to face), documentation of minutes for record to ensure a focused and successful meetings with well-defined outcomes and then follow up and review the outcomes/results in the next meeting.
The decision to create a governing board with a chair and some key persons from diverse background, north /south balance, gender, add to the smooth functioning of the CSO coalition.
The establishment and role of the governing board play a crucial role in running the coalition successfully. This should be the prerogative of the board to decide the type of membership, whether this should be individual or organizational or both.
Also, there should be a proper mechanism to scrutinize the new/existing members before enrolling them into the membership base as the coalition may not be willing to filter the information that needs to be shared with different types of members/partners and other stakeholders.
Many coalitions, prefer to have a structured/layered membership according to the type of communication/information that is shared.
The hiring of staff is directly subjected to resource availability, however, few dedicated staff, especially a coordinator, in one of the member’s organizations initially, will provide a definite direction in pushing the coalition’s agenda, to the coalition under the eminent guidance of the board members.
This could be developed into having a full-fledged secretariat depending on more resources. The coalition Coordinator could also be an ex-official to the boards.
If there are no resources, volunteers could play an important role to do the day-to-day secretariat's work, especially in campaigning, communicating, and coordinating.
Funding Proposal
Once there are a defined agenda, campaigns, and staff to work on, there is a need to write the funding proposal, looking for suitable donors to maintain sustainability. It’s also very important to have an inclusive proposal not only in its objective but also for reviewing among the governance board, with a clear line of event/activities and proposed output/outcomes. So the proposal should be able to reflect the collective voice!!
The most important part to write a funding proposal is having a good proposal writer and good networking skills within the governance board to take the proposal up for review to :
Maintaining sustainability through guided leadership and committed and engaged members and staff is the key to the success of any coalition