ADA Guidelines on CSO Engagement in the VNR Process

Writer secretariat 18-04-04 20:02 count 887 Reply 0

ADA Guideline on CSO Engagement on UN High Level Political Forum (HLPF)
Voluntary National Review (VNR)

? This draft Guideline is a result of the collective  discussion among participants on CSO engagement on the UN High-level Political Forum (HLPF) on Voluntary National Review (VNR) during the Glocal Advocacy Leadership Academy (GALA) in East Asia and South Asia in 2017.
? This has been prepared to help ADA members and other partners to engage effectively for the effective implementation of SDGs at different stages – before, during and after the HLPF VNR.
? The guidelines were discussed at the BuDF (Busan, 22-24 Jan. 2018) as common action guideline for ADA and its partners.

Period Stages
A. Before the HLPF VNR (Jan. to July 2018)
1. Initiation for CSO engagement on SDGs at the national level 
2. Participation in international advocacy and networking
3. Substantive preparation for the UN HLPF VNR 2018
4. Preparation for CSO report on SDGs at the UN HLPF VNR 2018
5. Logistical preparations for a mission on HLPF VNR (NY, July 2018)
B. During the HLPF VNR (New York, 9-18 July 2018) 1. UN HLPF (9-15 July)
2. UN HLPF VNR (16-18 July)
C. After the HLPF VNR (Aug. 2018 onward) 1. Follow-up to the HLPF VNR (Aug. – Dec. 2018)
2. Preparation for the HLPF 2019 (Jan.-July 2019)

A. Before the HLPF VNR (Jan. to July 2018)

1. Initiation for CSO engagement on SDGs at the national level 

a. Form a national platform on SDGs
b. Organize a capacity-building program on SDGs engagement
c. Form a working group to prepare for a CSO report on SDGs
d. Organize a multi-stakeholder consultation with other stake holders
e. Find out the information about the government’s preparation for HLPF VNR including focal points within the national government and coordinate with the concerned ministries
f. Coordinate with the CSO’s to provide solicited inputs on the national VNR
g. If not solicited, then collect data in coordination with the CSOs and start preparing the CSO/SPOTLIGHT report
h. Coordinate with various international platforms to keep tab on VNR preparations of other countries, take references from last year’s VNR/CSO reports
i. Coordinate with UN-DESA , Major groups or any regional or global groups (ADA, A4SD, Together 2030) to participate/organize side events during the HLPF on VNRs (country reports), try to get in touch with country officials for their participation in the side events
j. Translation of SDGs-related documents in local languages
k. Identify journalists and media
l. Develop fund-raising strategies
m. Contact UN agencies (e.g. UNDP, UN DESA) for information and collaboration and participation
n. Identify government commitment and assess real implementation

3. Participation in international advocacy and networking

a. Identify and communicate with the ADA and other international CSO network on SDGs (like GCAP, AP RCEM, A4SD, TAP Network, etc.)
b. Attend the UNESCAP’s APFSD in Bangkok
c. Building national, regional /global solidarity by sharing reports, focussing the  relevant SDGs for the year

4. Substantive preparation for the UN HLPF VNR 2018

a. Organize a policy consultation on the government’s report
b. Finalise the national CSO report with feedback and endorsements from the national CSOs
c. Publish an annual CSO monitoring report about global thematic priorities (SDG 6,7,11,12,15 and 17 for 2018)
d. Share the CSO report with the concerned ministries / international partners

5. Logistical preparation for a mission on HLPF VNR (NY, 9-18 July 2018)

a. Collect updated official information about HLPF VNR website:
b. Apply for UN DESA solicited funding for participation
c. Fund-raising for a mission on HLPF VNR from other international networks/platforms (TAP, A4SD etc.)
d. Register online for HLPF (in advance )
e. Apply for a visa to USA in advance
f. Identify focal point in relevant Major Group and Other Stakeholders (MGOs)
g. Contact the Permanent Mission in New York
h. Accreditation to ECOSOC or register to organization having ECOSOC Accreditation

B. During the HLPF VNR (New York, 9-18 July 2018)

1. During the HLPF (9-15 July)

a. Attend NGO major group briefing  meeting everyday (8 AM) and evening strategy  meeting
b. Organize a side-event on the SDG implementation in your own country (jointly with others)
c. Participate in the side events of the other national/regional/global networks/organizations
d. Attend all the relevant sessions during the HLPF
e. Prepare jointly with other national CSOs to speak/questions during the relevant sessions (coordinate with the major groups)

2. During the HLPF VNR (16-18 July)

a. Monitor  the presentation of government’s report in person or through UN webcasting
b. Make oral intervention (in coordination with the national/regional partners) as CSO during the HLPF VNR
c. Publish a statement about the HLPF VNR

C. After the HLPF VNR (Aug. 2018 onward)

1. Follow-up to the HLPF VNR (Aug. – Dec. 2018)

a. Organize a public meeting to share the experiences of CSO mission on HLPF VNR
b. Organize an evaluation meeting with the government delegation in home country.
c. Organize a regular policy consultation with the government
d. Prepare and publish an annual CSO monitoring report about global thematic priorities ((SDG 4,8,10,13,16 and 17 for 2019)
e. Engage with the government to develop a national/sub national (with the local government) action plans with indicators on SDGs
f. Strategy needs to be different for countries who have already undertaken the VNR. It has to be an ongoing monitoring role and needs to be listed as an ongoing process to ensure effective implementation.
g. Link the SDG to other reporting mechanisms such as UPR, UN framework on climate change (for example Malaysia is under review for Nov 2018) and also treaty bodies so that we can ensure a stronger integration and compliance to human rights and good governance / accountability
h. Follow through policy coherence and cross cutting nature of SDG rather than a silo approach.
i. Engage with National Public Institutions
j. Engage with the media