Applications invited forEast Asia Democrazy Forum in Taipei ( Wednesda…

Writer secretariat 17-05-11 01:57 count 773 Reply 0

Taiwan AID is co-organizing the East Asia Democrazy Forum in Taipei from Wednesday to Thursday, May 24th-25th, 2017. Taiwan AID manages one of the Workshop which focus on CSOs and Enabling Environment (EE) in East Asia that cover several topics: Development and Trends of EE, Challenges and Opportunities for CSO EE in Asia, Strategy and Action.

Taiwan AID would like to invite more international participants to attend our workshop and will appreciate if you can forward our event info to your member organization. 


Taiwan AID will provide meal and workshop guidance support. Participants will need to self-fund for their flight ticket and Accommodation.

If anyone are interested to join, please finish and send the application form(as attachment)via Syu) by 17th May.


Agenda attached for reference.  

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