Call for Application for 8th Participatory Course on Democracy and Hum…
Writer secretariat 17-07-06 23:18 count 1,009 Reply 0
0 Download DATE: 17-07-06 23:18
PCDHR Application Form (3).docx (141K)
0 Download DATE: 2020-09-01 14:52:47
Dear All,
Greetings from Centre for Human Rights Education (CHRE) –Pakistan
Centre for Human Rights Education (CHRE)- Pakistan is pleased to announce and invite the applications for the 8th Annual "Participatory Course on Democracy and Human Rights" to be held in Lahore- Pakistan on September 17 – 26, 2017. We would like to request all our friends, colleagues and recipients of this email to please share this call for application to your contacts to make sure that the news of the Call for Application reaches to maximum people.
Last date for submitting applications is July 31, 2017 meanwhile the candidates are encouraged to send their complete applications immediately to avoid the last moment tribulations. Complete Description of PCDHR and Application form is available at or see the attachment of this email. For any more details about PCDHR please contact Mr. Naveed Raphael at or 03004719905 and for any technical assistance.
Participatory Course on Democracy and Human Rights (PCDHR) is an annual initiative of CHRE and is widely appreciated and applied by huge number of applicants every year. This course focuses to strengthen the concepts of human rights and democracy, introduce international human rights standards and mechanism, promote volunteerism among youth and skill development of human rights defenders.
PCDHR consists of participatory techniques and methods which helps to develop understanding on different social subjects, provides the opportunity to interact and develop networking with people from diverse backgrounds and from different parts of the country. It also provides an opportunity to learn different ways and forums to highlight different social issues, helps to practice the democratic values and respect of human beings and provides the opportunity to learn from renowned experts of different social subjects.
Centre for Human Rights Education-Pakistan (CHRE) is Pakistan based nonprofit, non-governmental and non-partisan organization established and run by human rights educators and human rights defenders to strengthen human rights through educational programs, advocacy and awareness raising initiatives. Established in 2010 CHRE supports human rights education, training of human rights defenders, civil society groups, government institutions, the development of educational materials and advocacy initiatives for the advancement of democracy, human rights, peace and tolerance.
Thank you very much for your attention.
Yours sincerely,
Samson Salamat