Writer secretariat 20-08-05 04:23 count 54 Reply 0

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Please find below this Open Letter in the English version, shared from our member, INFID, Indonesia, address to the  President and DPR/parliament speaker.  The letter was originally written in Bahasa Indonesia which was published at Tempo and Kompas Daily.

The Open letter is to support the acceleration and approval of the draft bill on the elimination of sexual violence. It was signed by more than 100 prominent persons, academia, journalists dan women leaders, and social activists across Indonesia.

Please find the letter below:



His Excellency Mr. Joko Widodo, President of the Republic of Indonesia
Cc: Mrs. Dr. (HC) Puan Maharani, Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia
Dear Mr. President,

We, civil society organizations and individuals advocating for the Bill on the Elimination of Sexual Violence (RUU P-KS), hereby express our utmost appreciation to the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) for re-tabling the Bill into the Priority List of the National Legislation Program (Prolegnas) in 2020. That said, we believe that such good will should be accompanied by the seriousness to follow it through. To date, as DPR RI approaches its fourth parliamentary session scheduled for mid-July 2020, there is still no sign of RUU P-KS being deliberated. An evaluation meeting on the Priority Bills for the 2020 Prolegnas between DPR RI’s Legislative Council and Commission top officials on 30 June 2020 instead agreed to remove the Bill from the 2020 Prolegnas priority list. RUU P-KS will be resubmitted into next year’s list of legislative priorities to be discussed and its fate determined in October 2020, or prior to the passage of the Bill on the National Budget.
In regard to the above, allow us to present the key reasons why RUU P-KS is of utmost importance:

Sexual violence is a vile and heinous behavior that goes against religious values and beliefs that the people of Indonesia uphold dearly.
RUU P-KS emerged in response to a spike in cases of sexual violence against women. Data released by Komnas Perempuan showed that in the past 12 years the rate of sexual violence against women has surged by a staggering 792 percent or 8 times higher. Based on the Online Information System on the Protection of Women and Children (SIMFONI PPA) under the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection, since early January 2020 until 19 June 2020, there were 329 cases of sexual violence against adult women, and 1,849 cases of sexual violence against children. This rising trend is followed by different types of modus operandi and increased intensity of offenses that are not accommodated in the Criminal Code (KUHP), and Bill on Criminal Code.
Juridically, Indonesia has yet to have a legal framework that protects victims of sexual violence. The existing Law No. 23/2004 on the Elimination of Domestic Violence does not address sexual violence beyond the domestic domain. The Criminal Code on the other hand focuses only on the criminal punishment of offenders. It does not provide clauses on the rehabilitation and protection of victims.
RUU P-KS is a comprehensive legislative reform stipulating protection for victims that includes the following six key elements as its main feature:
Contains criminal procedures that remove barriers for victims to seek justice.
As a special law (Lex Specialis), RUU P-KS governs on the rehabilitation of victims before, during, and after trial. Rehabilitation is vital for enabling victims to resume their lives, particularly given the physical and psychological trauma caused by sexual violence, not to mention the reproductive health issues, which can lead to unwanted pregnancy. Furthermore, sexual violence brings dire economic and social consequences to victims and their families.
Contains clauses on main and additional punishment, including rehabilitation specifically for the perpetrators of sexual violence aged below 14 with a view to address the root cause of the problem in order to prevent recurrence.
Contains the subject matter of monitoring where the state has the responsibility to protect, promote, uphold, and restore human rights, especially for victims.
Defines the nine types of sexual violence generally experienced by victims, which are not previously governed in other laws.
In terms of substance, RUU P-KS sets the tone for the achievement of goals laid down in the RPJMN (National Medium-Term Development Plan), Nawacita national priority agendas, and SDGs, as well as for the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) in an effort to promote gender equality through the six key elements put forward in RUU P-KS.
In light of the above, we hereby respectfully implore Mr. President and honorable members of the House of Representatives to without further ado:
Include the RUU P-KS in the agenda of the fifth parliamentary session slated for July - October 2020
Schedule a session for the discussion of RUU P-KS
Fast track the discussion and passage of RUU P-KS
Involve civil society organizations in every debate as part of public engagement.
We also urge the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection to initiate dialogues with DRP RI on fast-tracking RUU P-KS for its immediate passage this year.
Stalling the discussion and passage of RUU P-KS would only add to the already long list of victims of sexual violence, where justice has yet to be served.   
Any further delays also reflect a half-hearted House of Representatives and Government in protecting the people of Indonesia from sexual violence
Jakarta, 3 July 2020
This open letter was initiated and organized by INFID
Supporters of the Open Letter:
Sugeng Bahagijo, Executive Director, INFID
Dian Kartikasari, Board Chair, INFID
Zumrotin K Susilo, Advisor, INFID
Abdul Waidl, P3M
Abi Rekso Panggalih, Secretary General, Pergerakan Indonesia
Adinia Wirasti, Actor
Agus Wahyudi, PhD., Head of Center for Pancasila Studies, UGM
Ah. Maftuchan, Executive Director, Perkumpulan PRAKARSA
Alissa Wahid, Coordinator, Jaringan Gusdurian
Anggia Erma Rini, M.K.M., Chairperson, Fatayat NU Central Board
Anindita Sitepu, Co-founder, Ngobrolin Indonesia
Ariane Utomo, Lecturer, School of Geography, The University of Melbourne
Arie Kriting, Comedian
Ati Nurbaiti, Journalist
Atnike Nova Sigiro, Executive Director, Jurnal Perempuan
Badriyah Fayumi, Chair, Alimat
Baihajar Tualeka, Chair, LAPPAN Maluku
Beka Ulung Hapsara, Commissioner of Komnas HAM, Coordinator of Sub-Commission for Promotion of Human Rights
Benny D Setianto, Central Java Corruption Watch
Binny Bintarti Buchori, Professional
Danang Joedodarmo, Musician
Defirentia One Muharomah, Director, Rifka Annisa Yogyakarta
Dian Indraswari, Executive Director, Pulih Foundation
Dian Sastrowardoyo, Actress and Film Producer
Diatyka Widya Permata Yasih, PhD candidate, Asia Institute, University of Melbourne
Dita Permatas, Musician
Djonet Santoso, Director of SDGs Center, Bengkulu University
Dolorosa Sinaga, Artist, Lecturer at IKJ, and Human Rights Activist
Dr Ahmad Zainul Hamdi, Department Head of Religious Studies, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Philosophy, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
DR Ani W Soetjipto MA., Senior Lecturer, Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia, Gender Studies Program SKSG UI
DR Elcid Li, Executive Director, IRGSC NTT
Dr. Arie Sujito, Lecturer of Sociology, UGM
Dr. Bagus Takwin, M.Hum, Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia (UI)
Dr. Bambang Hudayana, Director, IRE Yogyakarta
Dr. Iklilah Muzayyanah Dini Fajriyah, M.Si, Center for Gender Research, SKSG UI
DR. Jonatan Lassa, Co-founder, IRGSC NTT
Dr. Kartini Sjahrir, Anthropologist
Dr. Kunthi Tridewiyanti, SH. MA, Academic, Faculty of Law, Pancasila University
Dr. Lidwina Inge Nurtjahyo, S.H., M.Si, Academic, Faculty of Law, UI
Dr. Nur Iman Subono, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UI
Dra. Mamik Sri Supatmi, M.Si, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UI
Ernest Prakarsa, Comedian and Film Director
Evie Permata Sari, Women’s Participation Institute (LP2)
Farha Ciciek, Founder, Komunitas Tanoker Ledokombo
Faye Hasian Simanjuntak, Co-Founder, Rumah Faye
Gusti Arirang, Musician
H. Marzuki Wahid, Secretary, Lakpesdam NU
H.A. Kholiq Arif, Wonosobo District Head 2005-2015
Hannah Al Rashid, Actor
Haryani Saptaningtyas, S.P. M.Sc. PhD candidate, Director, Percik Salatiga
Henny Supolo Sitepu, Cahaya Guru Foundation
Herawati Supolo Sudoyo, Chair of Medical Sciences Commission, AIPI
Ichal Supriadi, Secretary General, ADN
Ifa Hanifah Misbach, Jabar Masagi
Imelda Zuhaida, Director, Mitra Wacana Yogyakarta
Ina Irawati, Consultant, WCC Dian Mutiara Malang
Intan Fatma Dewi, Activist
Iranda Yudhatama, Executive Director, Swara Nusa Institute Yogyakarta
Irine H Gayatri, PhD candidate/Gender, Peace and Security Centre/Faculty of Arts, Monash University, Australia.
Joko Anwar, Film-maker
Joko Hadi Purnomo, Director, IDFoS Indonesia
Kalis Mardiasih, Writer and Gender Equality Activist
Kartika Budhi Wijayanti, Activist
Khairani Arifin, Presidium Chair, Balai Syura Ureung Inong Aceh (BSUIA)
Khotimun Sutanti - Indonesia LBH APIK Association
Laode M. Syarif, Director, Partnership for Governance Reform in Indonesia
Lelyana Santosa, Lawyer
Lies Marcoes, Director, Rumah Kita Bersama Foundation
Listyowati, Director, Kalyanamitra
Lita Anggraini, Coordinator, National Jala PRT
Magdalena Sitorus, Commissioner, Komnas Perempuan, Retired, 2015-2019, and Founder of SAPA Indonesia
Mandy Marahimin, Film Producer
Maria Anik Tunjung, Executive Director, Indonesia for Humanity
Maria Hartiningsih, Writer
Maulani A Rotinsulu, Indonesia Association of Women with Disabilities
Mayling Gardiner, GPSP
Meira Anastasia, Writer
Melanie Subono, Musician
Mia Siscawati PhD, Head of Gender Studies Postgraduate Program, UI
Mian Tiara, Artist and Musician
Mike Verawati, Secretary General, Indonesia Women’s Coalition (KPI)
Mira Lesmana, Film Producer
Misiyah, Executive Director, Institut Kapal Perempuan
Mulyadi Prajitno, Director, Community Empowerment Studies Foundation
Najwa Shihab, Founder, Narasi
Nanda Dwinta Sari, Director, Women’s Health Foundation
Nani Zulminarni, Director, PEKKA Foundation
Neni Nur Hayati, Executive Director, Democracy and Electoral Empowerment Partnership
Nila Wardani, Executive Director, RUMPUN Malang
Nurma Fitrianingrum, Activist
Olin Monteiro, Arts for Women, and Lintas Feminis Jakarta
Pdt. Gomar Gultom, Chair, PGI
Pera Sopariyanti, Director, Swara Rahima
Prima Rusdi, Scenario Writer
Primatia Romana Wulandari, Program Lead, Knowledge Sector Initiative
Prof Dr. Toety Heraty Noerhadi Rooseno, Founder of JP, and Professor of Philosophy, UI
Prof. Dr. Dra. Sulistyowati Irianto, MA, Professor of Legal Anthropology, UI
Prof. Musdah Mulia, Chair of Indonesian Conference on Religion and Peace (ICRP)
R. Valentina Sagala, Senior Independent Advisor on Legal, Policy, Human Rights; Founder, Institut Perempuan
Rahmi Meri Yenti, Director, Nurani Perempuan WCC Padang
Ramadhaniati, Executive Director, LP2M Padang
Ratna Batara Munti, LBH APIK Association, and Coordinator of JKP3
Ruby Kholifah, Director, AMAN (The Asian Muslim Action Network) Indonesia
Sakdiyah Ma’ruf, Stand Up Comedian
Saparinah Sadli, Sahabat Lansia Tangguh
Sarah Lery Mboeik, Coordinator, PIAR-NTT
Sely Fitriani, Director, Women’s Advocacy Institute Damar Lampung
Shita Laksmi, Executive Director, Tifa Foundation
Sicilia Leiwakabessy, Cahaya Guru Foundation
Siti Mazuma, Director, LBH APIK Jakarta
Sjamsiah Achmad, Member, CEDAW Committee in 2001 - 2004
Sopia Lestari, PhD candidate, School of Earth Sciences, University of Melbourne
Sri Nurherwati, Commissioner, Komnas Perempuan, Retired, 2014 - 2019
Sri Wahyuningsih, Secretary General, Malang Women’s Coalition for Leadership (KPuK)
Sri Wiyanti Eddyono, S.H., LL.M. (HR). PhD, Academic, Faculty of Law, UGM
Suryani Na, Chair, Indonesia Confucian Women 
Syafi'i Alielha, Director, NU Online, Founder
Tini Rahayu, Executive Director, Cahaya Perempuan WCC Bengkulu
Titik Eka Sasanti, Director, Gita Pertiwi Program
Victoria Fanggidae, PhD candidate, School of Social and Political Sciences, Faculty of Arts, University of Melbourne
Wahidah Suaib, Coordinator on Advocacy, Law & Politics, PP Fatayat NU
Wahyu Susilo, Director, Migrant Care
Wicaksono Sarosa, Kemitraan-Habitat
Yanu Endar Prasetyo, Founder IndoBIG Network, and PhD Candidate in Rural Sociology, University of Missouri, Columbia-MO, USA
Yenny Wahid, Director, Wahid Foundation
Zico Mulia, TIFA Foundation