APSD-ADA-A4SD webinar, 21 January, 2020

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Webinar- Civil Society Reporting for the HLPF 2020: Reflections & Preparing National Reports- APSD, ADA and A4SD, - January 21, 2020
Asia Civil Society Partnership on Sustainable Development (APSD) in coordination with ADA and A4SD organized its first VNR for 2020 with the civil society partners. Its been observed that despite the focus on ‘Leave no One Behind’, the real target population are yet to be benefitted . There is also a greater need of CSO’s engagement in the whole process of SDGs implementation as we are already into the 5th year of SDGs implementation hence there is a need to accelerate the decade of action. There were some country’s presentations from Nepal, Sri Lanka, Cambodia and Kazakhstan on last VNRs experiences and also , a need to better the process through starting the VNR process at the sub national levels, engaging the parliamentarians and national statistics office, and CSOs should seek to be included in the official delegation at the HLPF and allocation of speaking opportunity during the official presentation. Finally , there were discussions on the People’s scorecard, and how, the CSOs can assess the mainstreaming and integration of the 2030 Agenda and the 17 SDGs across national policies and implementation, with focus on the three dimensions of sustainable development: social, environmental and economic and if ‘whole of government approach has been carried out’. Many countries showed interest to be part of People’s score card to assess the SDGs progress at national level and accelerate the better government-CSO engagement level.