2016 The 4th Glocal Advocacy Leadership in Asia Academy (GALAA)

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Dates and Venue:
10-17 August in Bangkok

Contents and Outcome:
The 4th Glocal Advocacy Leadership in Asia Academy (GALAA)

The 4th Global Advocacy Leadership Academy in Asia(GALAA IV) was held from 10 August until 17 August with 30+ particularly active participants CSOs in Asia. This year's theme was "Mainstreaming human rights and democracy in implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Asia". Participants were able to get familiarized with SDGs agenda and develop civil society strategies together through sessions on Human Rights and Democracy, Inequality and Gender Equality, Mapping of SDGs implementation at national level, Inter-ministerial Negotiation Exercise on SDGs Budget, Toolkit Training for SDG16, Workshop on Skill Learning: Communication strategies session, Follow-up Action Plans. Asia Civil Society Forum on SDG16(ACSF-SDG16) was also held as part of GALAA this year. You can access all relevant materials of GALAA on its Dropbox: https://goo.gl/OOI2kU.